
3月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

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English names are included in the alog lists for plants that have not acquired local names The red and boldfonted names are the original ten medicinal plants promoted by the Department of Health For quite a number of plants, there may be a confusing similarity in common names shared by plants of different species, or different names forThe herb katakataka is abundant in the countryside and was reputed among the rural folk as medicinal The plant is easily propagated through the little plantlets along the margin of the leaf Acid content of the leaves were determined and subsequently subjected the malic acid content to analysis by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and infraredThe herb katakataka is abundant in the countryside and was reputed among the rural folk as medicinal The plant is easily propagated through the little plantlets along the margin of the leaf Acid content of the leaves were determined and subsequently subjected the malic acid content to analysis by Thin Layer Chromatogra

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